My Origin Story

I like to draw. I’ve been drawing most of my life, but only in the last few years did I rekindle my passion for art and start to take it more seriously.

I am also fortunate to live in beautiful Maui, Hawaii. Although I don’t tend to do tropical-themed art, living in such a beautiful and relaxing place helps inspire my creativity.

In addition to art, I also have a day job in IT and occasionally do web design on the side.

You can learn more about the various types of art that I create by looking around my portfolio, and please follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”

Andy Worhol


Do you work on commissions?

I do not currently do commissions, but I may in the future depending on how busy life becomes. If I do, I will post information about pricing and availability at that time.

Do you sell prints of your existing art?

I don’t currently sell prints of my existing work, but I am shopping for the right printer, and I will probably sell prints in the near future.

If you don't sell your art, and you don't do commissions, then what's the point?

Although I would love to make a living doing art, it is currently only a hobby on the side. With the extremely limited time I have available to create art, I prefer to work on pieces that inspire me, and not feel the pressure of deadlines and quality expectations.

How did you learn to become an artist?

Although I took a few classes way back in high school, they had not yet invented paper, so I’ve mostly learned on my own. I do occassionally watch YouTube videos of art tutorials to learn techniques I am unfamiliar with.

How long does each piece of artwork take you to finish?

It depends greatly on size, materials, and level of detail I wish to achieve, but in general I’m slow compared to other artists. I tend to be a perfectionist, and it takes me a lot of time to get it just right.

Is that really your art workspace?

I wish! Maybe someday. smile

Art is Life

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